FCC Part-15

LowFer WI

Grid EM93dm

AIKEN, South Carolina 29803

Antenna:  5 ten foot sections of Rohn 25G, standing in an open field
32 buried radials, each 70 ft long, with a driven 48" ground rod at the far end.
Several sections of roofing tin at the base to reduce E-field losses

Tower current 0.266 A.
Estimated ERP 6 m.w.

Reception reports:

ABØCW  Westminster, Colorado 1355 miles

23 February 2013

W3NF Marriottsville, Maryland  776 miles

23 February 2013

K3SIW Elgin, Illinois  EN52ua  688 miles

22 February 2013

KB4OER  Watauga, Tennessee  EM86ui  199 miles

22 February 2013

W1TAG  Holden, Massachusetts  FN42bi   811 miles

22 February 2013

W1VD Burlington, Connecticut  FN31ls  741 miles

22 February 2013

23 February 2013

VE3OT  London, Ontario  EN92ix  654 miles

21 February 2013

W4DEX  Stanfield, North Carolina  EM95tg  143 miles

22 February 2013