Latest addition: The Original East Coast 70 CM Net Newsletters in .pdf format:
February 1982 May 1982 November 1982
East Coast 70 CM Net
Since 1979 - Same Time, Same Frequency.
432.090 MHz
Wednesday 9-10 p.m. Eastern
Join us online during the net by clicking on this link:
The first page you will see was added due to spam being posted. To gain access to the original login page enter ham for user name and qso for password, both lower case. On the login page no registration is needed. Just enter your call sign. Adding your grid and name helps other know your approximate location.
Contact: w4dex at arrl dot net for login help
Letting others know you are on the air helps net control check in DX stations. Also contacts with other stations arranged on the chat page is encouraged.
Net log for previous years (incomplete)
Net Control Stations:
K4CSO | EM96wa | Wallburg, NC | |
W4DEX | EM95tg | Stanfield, NC | |
W4YN | EM95pg | Charlotte, NC |
Net History
The East Coast 70 CM Net was started by Charles Osborne, K4CSO (ex WD4MBK), on the 20th of September 1979 from the NC State University club station W4ATC in Raleigh, NC. W4DEX (ex WA4ZIA), with help from K4CAW(sk), picked up net control duties in late 1980 prior to K4CSO's May 81 graduation and move to the Atlanta area. In November 1985 the net control moved to the Atlanta area with Charles as NCS due to a QTH move by W4DEX. W4ZPG assumed net control in 1998 when K4CSO moved to Brevard North Carolina. Other stations who served as alternate net control includes WB4JGG, K4KAZ(sk), W4VHH, W4NUS, W4GJO(sk) and WA4GBE(sk).
Now after over 25 years of operation net control has returned to North Carolina and will be called by one of the three stations listed above. All three stations are within about 30 miles of one another so the beam heading for DX stations should not be a problem. The net begins at 9 p.m. Eastern with net control stations looking for stations to the south of EM95. Working clockwise, net control will try to be looking for stations to the NE of EM95 by 9:45 p.m. Then after a few calls to the East, net control will backtrack looking for late stations.
This has proven to be a wide area net with over 20 states and several hundred stations represented. Net records show regular activity during peak interest of the net from Florida, Alabama, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey and New York. The record net session appears to be in June 1982 with 46 stations from 10 states in the log. Below is the log from this session:
Check out your 432 MHz gear, check propagation and set up contacts with other net participants. Join us for what is probably the longest running 432 MHz net in ham radio history.
Southeastern daily morning 70 CM activity
Join the group on 432.095 MHz each morning from about 7 to 7:30 a.m. This is an excellent time to catch morning propagation enhancement. The activity presently centers on the NC, GA, TN area but is expanding. Some of the morning regulars are W4VHH, W4NUS, K4RPA, K4YRK, W4ZPG, W4WSR, WB4SLM, KH6TY and W4WA.
Possible additions to this page:
o Weekly on line log of net participants (started 9feb05)
o More complete history of the net
o Data on total number of participants, states and grids represented
o Real time internet QSO page for coordinating DX checkins (done)
All comments, ideas and suggestions for the net will be appreciated. email: w4dex (at) arrl (dot) net