Current Beacon Status

(Click here for WD2XKO status / operating log)

Any changes in beacon status will listed here by 0000 hrs UTC each day.   I will try to keep the beacons operating in whatever mode and frequency that is listed at 0000 hrs UTC for at least the following 12 hours.  This is so your monitoring time won't be wasted by unknown mode changes.

Last update:  22 Feb 2012


Status Format / Info

LF Beacon         


   185.299 KHz

 Off Off due to antenna interaction with   WD2XKO

MF Beacon


 510.510 KHz     


MF Beacon


 1704.980 +/- 2 KHz    

Off FSK signal presently on 1704.980 KHz for approximately 3 min. shifting up 0.5 Hz for approximately 35 seconds.

HF Beacon   


13,555.5 KHz

+/- 100 Hz (drifts  with temp)

On Square wave with an approximate 12 second period and a 4 Hz shift

49er Beacon


49.8448 MHz

  +/- 500 Hz     

Off Signal may be identified by ear as a sine wave tone similar to a siren when received in CW/SSB mode.   Visible with ARGO or Spectran in either NDB slow or Full Band View  mode.  The signal is swinging about 210 Hz at a rate of about 5.5 seconds per cycle.   Please send .wav file or Argo capture to verify reception.

All beacon reports are appreciated.  QSL card will be sent if requested.

JASON and ARGO software available at:


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